GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 Autofab Technology

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology

सारी फोटो नीचे दे दी गई है
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Question 1.
Why is the customer called a co-constructor?

The customer is called a co-constructor because he himself has designed the product as per his requirement. He will also take part in its development and production process. Thus, he will be a part of the entire production (construction) process, therefore he is called a co-constructor.

Question 2.
How will ‘autofab’ reduce demands of replacement?

With ‘autofab technology’ the product will be well-designed according to the expectation of customers. The automated methods of inspection and assembly will improve the quality and durability of products. Thus, produced things will last longer than earlier ones. Therefore, there will be decline in need for replacement.

Question 3.
How will ‘autofab’ boost the local commerce?
In mass production (which is in force today) things are produced keeping in view ‘general utility norms’. In ‘autofab’ things will be produced according to the expectation, need and individual utility norms. So mass production units will lose their economic advantages.

Huge centralised factories will be replaced by smaller and community based production units. In this case, customers will be served better by a local owner and operator of a manufacturing shop. Thus, the factories will become decentralised and the naturally talented village craft workers will be back with a bang.

Question 4.
‘Autofab will be a boon to environment.’ Give your argument for the statement.
With the introduction of ‘autofab’, the customers will now not throw away their useless or overused things or replace them with new ones. Instead they will return them and get back new models fabricated from that old stuff. There will be recycling of materials in new ways. This will be a great compensation to environment. Therefore, there will now be less pollution and more new expected production.

Question 5.
What will be the effect of autofab on health and age of people?
Soon the scale of autofab will come down to nanostructure level. Then the size of newly manufactured instrument will be very small. It will be possible to reconstruct permitted tissues and even reversal of matured tissue decay will be done.

In this way the expansion of human lifespan will continue. With this advancement, the health of old people will improve. People will get an opportunity to gain the ability to painlessly redesign their bodies.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology


2. Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Why is Kirtibhai proud of his son ?
Kirtibhai is proud of his son – Pranav because Pranav has invented the impossibly futuristic watch ‘Gear’. Right from his school at Palanpur, the academic career of Pranav has been very brilliant. He used to get 1st rank in every academic year owing to his uncommon IQ.

He was good in every activity be it studies, music or sports. He had a dream of doing something unique right from his childhood. For all these qualities and his unique invention of watch – ‘Gear’, his father Kirtibhai is proud of his son.

Question 2.
Which aspect of Pranav’s educational life touches you most? Why?
Many students hold brilliant academic record, i.e., achieving 1st rank all through, but they cannot do what Pranav has done. I think, the credit goes to his interest in activities beyond studies. Besides, he worked on varied fields like interaction design, robotics, computer graphics, HCI, AI, information graphics, embedded systems, social computing and so on. These extra efforts inspired and enabled him to invent impossibly futuristic watch – ‘GEAR’.

Question 3.
How does the copy-paste system in SPARSH differ from that of our current system ?
In our current copy-paste system, we use physical digital devices like pen drive, hard disk, laptop, tablet, i-pad, bluetooth, etc. They are either with cord or cordless. While in SPARSH, we have directly to touch the source from where we have to copy. The contents will be stored in our physical body. Then we have to touch the recipient device and the contents will be pasted there.

Question 4.
What are the input and output systems in SixthSense?
In SixthSense, with the help of a wearable camera, we can have all inputs that we wish to have. The camera in ‘SixthSense’ sees what we see and visually augments any surfaces or objects we are interacting with. Then as far as output is concerned, it projects information onto surfaces, walls and physical objects around us, and lets us interact with the projected information through natural hand gestures, arm movements, or our interaction with the object itself.

Question 5.
What inspiration do you get from Pranav?
Pranav is a great source of inspiration for the youth of today. One has the potential to develop on one’s own, but how he exploits that potential is very important. Besides brilliant academic career, Pranav worked on varied fields and created a niche for him.

He was so highly motivated that he succeded highly in IIT and earned himself a job with Microsoft in Hyderabad. Thus, getting inspiration from him and working hard like him may surely win grand success to anyone.

Question 6.
What questions will you ask Pranav if you happen to meet him? List five, questions,
When I meet Pranav, the questions I would like to ask him are as following :

  • When did you have the gut feeling that you can do something unique ?
  • What role did your parents play in moulding your career ?
  • What sources did you take help of in inventing ‘Gear’ ?
  • What beyond your studies facilitated you in your unique invention ?
  • What made you think that you should invent such a device like ‘Gear’ ?

Question 7.
List the Gujarati words used in the passage.
The Gujarati words used in the passage are : ‘Humoto thaine bahu naam kamaish.’

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology


4. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each:

Question 1.
What is the law of machines?
Machines work for us day and night. But they do not understand what is the truth and what is a lie. They do not have feelings. They cannot love, pity or forgive. If we make a mistake in handling them, we are .sure to die. This is the law by which they live.

Question 2.
Why do the machines consider themselves transitory?
Machines will keep on working till you keep on fulfilling their requirements. In addition to that they wear out after a certain period of time. After all they are products (children) of human brain. Their life is not so long or permanent, thus machines consider themselves transitory.

Question 3.
What can machines do?
Machines are all powerful on the earth. They can pull and haul and push. lift and drive. They can print. plough, weave, heat and give light. They can run, race and swim and fly and dive. They can see, hear, count, read and write. Thus, they can do everything that man wants them to do.

Question 4.
How do machines serve us?
Machines serve us round the clock. They do almost every Job for human beings. They keep on working until their humble requirements are fulfilled.

Question 5.
How do machines differ from human beings?
Machines are inanimate things. They have their own law to live by. They cannot understand a lie. They do not have feelings. They cannot love, pity or forgive. If you make a mistake in handling them, you are sure to die.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology


3. Read the following details of Sam Pitroda and write a paragraph about him

born on 4-5-1942 in Odisha – childhood in ? Gujarat – schooling in Vallabh Vidyanagar, M. S. University Baroda – career : telecom engineer-joined Wescom Switching Company at Chicago – in India, worked as inventor entrepreneur advisor – his contribution in telecom revolution in India, his other contribution – award : Padma Bhushan
Sam Pitroda
Sam Pitroda is the personality who brought revolution in Telecommunication in India. He was born on May 4, 1942 in Titagarh, Odisha. Since his parents were from Gujarat and were greatly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy, Sam and his brother were sent to Gujarat to imbibe Gandhian philosophy.

He completed his schooling from Vallabh Vidyanagar and his Master’s degree in Physics and Electronic from M. S. University in Vadodara. After taking his Masters, he went to the United States and obtained Masters in Electrical Engineering in Chicago.

He started his career as a telecom engineer by joining Wescom Switching Company at Chicago. After many years Pitroda visited India and could not make a phone to his wife. So he returned to India and spent nearly a decade with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi as leader of an effort to build an Indian Information Industry.

Pitroda launched the Centre for the Development of Telematics (C-DoT), and served as Advisor to the Prime Minister on Technology Missions related to water, literacy, immunization, oil-seeds, telecom and dairy.

He is also the founding chairman of India’s Telecom Commission. He has also served as the chairman of the National Knowledge Commission (2005 – 2009) and C-SAM. He also founded the National Innovation Council (2010).

He was honoured with the Padma Bhushan for his contribution to Science and Engineering by the Government of India In 2009.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology

Class 11 English Unit 2 Read 1 

Autofab Technology

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